But soon Jake figures to shapeshift into a house to contain his friends, which once again the "old-fashioned" vampire can't enter without permission. The Hierophant finds and easily overpowers Marceline, Finn, Jake, Bubblegum, and Lumpy Space Princess. But soon The Hierophant catches Marceline's scent and follows her and her companions into the woods. Only Peppermint Butler is at the cabin when The Hierophant arrives, and the vampire is mocked by the butler for being "old-fashioned" when he can't enter the cabin without permission. He soon finds Princess King of Ooo and Crunchy and threatens them until they tell him that Marceline is staying at Bubblegum's cabin.

He seeks out Marceline in hopes of joining forces to bring down the king. When the Vampire King admonishes him, The Hierophant parts ways with the group. The Hierophant advocates for a return to traditional vampire ways, suggesting that trying to adapt lead to their downfall originally. After a short period, the Vampire King and his court manifest. The vampires are resurrected after Princess Bubblegum removes Marceline's vampire essence from her. Marceline manages to defeat him and gain his shapeshifting powers. When the vampires attacked the humans' ship, The Hierophant avoided the initial fight by disguising himself as Schwabl until Two Bread Tom noticed the dog was wearing boots. Marceline fought The Hierophant centuries ago when she was on a mission to protect the remaining humans from vampires.